

『日本甲状腺学会雑誌』2020年4月号(Vol.11 No.1)




[特集2]家族性甲状腺腫Up to Date


多結節性甲状腺腫を来すDICER1 症候群

Kelch-like ECH associated protein 1(KEAP1)遺伝子異常症



伊藤 充*1,宮内 昭*2


Key Word
◉ 甲状腺機能低下症(Hypothyroidism),◉ 甲状腺全摘術(Total thyroidectomy),◉ レボチロキシン(levothyroxine),◉ TSH,◉ FT3

 原発性甲状腺機能低下症は,通常,合成レボチロキシン(LT4)で治療され,血清TSHおよびFT4値測定によってモニタリングされ,TSHの正常化が指標となっている。近年,甲状腺全摘後やBasedow病放射線治療後の甲状腺萎縮状態でLT4内服中の患者では,TSH正常ではFT3が相対的に低値となり,TSH軽度抑制でFT3が正常となることが明らかとなっている。さらにラットやヒトのデータから,前者では甲状腺関連の代謝指標や身体症状が甲状腺機能低下傾向を示し,後者ではこれらの指標が正常と 同等となることが示されている。

A pitfall of levothyroxine monotherapy for hypothyroidism

Mitsuru Ito*1,Akira Miyauchi*2

*1:Director, Department of Internal Medicine, Kuma Hospital
*2:President and COO,Kuma Hospital

Key Word
Hypothyroidism, Total thyroidectomy, levothyroxine, TSH, FT3

For the treatment of hypothyroidism, traditionally levothyroxine (LT4) has been used, and its dose is managed to achieve a normal serum TSH level. However, we and other investigators reported that in patients on LT4 monotherapy for athyreotic or atrophic conditions after total thyroidectomysub or after radioiodine treatment for Graves’ disease, normal serum TSH levels associated with mildly low serum FT3 levels, and suppressed serum TSH levels associated with normal serum FT3 levels. The question arises which of these two patient groups is in euthyroid condition.
As the results from recent animal and human studies, postoperative metabolic markers and symptoms indicated hypothyroid status in patients with normal TSH. Whereas, in patients with mildly suppressed TSH and FT3 levels equivalent to their preoperative levels, all metabolic markers and symptoms remained equivalent to their preoperative levels.
Athyreotic or atrophic thyroid patients generally live long time for their lives. Therefore, even if the thyroidal dysfunction may be subtle, its long-term effects cannot be overlooked. These data may provide novel information on the management of patient who underwent total thyroidectomy or who had radioiodine treatment for Graves’ disease. Mild TSH suppression with LT4 is needed to achieve normal FT3 levels in such patients.


中島 康代


Key Word
◉ 潜在性甲状腺機能低下症(subclinical hypothyrodism),◉ TSH,◉ FT3,◉ FT4,◉ レボチロキシン(Levothyroxine)

 妊娠中や超高齢者を除き,血中TSH値が持続的に10 mIU/Lを超える場合は甲状腺ホルモン補充療法が検討されているが,治療の有益性を疑問視する報告も多い。一方で早流産リスクなどの報告から,妊娠中あるいは妊娠計画中では甲状腺ホルモンの十分な補充が考慮される。

Thyroid hormones treatment for subclinical hypothyroidism

Yasuyo Nakajima

Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine

Key Word
Subclinical hypothyroidism, TSH, FT3, FT4, Levothyroxine

Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is one of the most common endocrine disorders in clinical practice. SCH is a biochemical state. TSH levels may increase with age, and slight increase of TSH may be normal for elderly. Except for pregnancy and the elderly, current guidelines recommend thyroid hormones replacement therapy with TSH levels >10 mIU/L, but many clinical studies reported that thyroid hormones replacement therapy may not lead to significant benefits for adult SCHs.


[特集2]家族性甲状腺腫Up to Date


小飼 貴彦*1,菱沼 昭*2


Key Word
◉ 多結節性甲状腺腫(multinodular goiter),◉ 甲状腺ホルモン合成障害(thyroid dyshormonogenesis),◉ 生殖細胞系列遺伝子異常(germline genetic variants)

 多結節性甲状腺腫は人口の1 ~ 4%程度にみられる一般的な疾患で,その成因については,ヨウ素摂取量などの環境因子や,ホルモン,遺伝を含む内因性因子などが関与するとされている。家族性に発症する場合,甲状腺ホルモン合成に関連する遺伝子異常,あるいはDICER1 をはじめとする常染色体優性遺伝形式をとる腫瘍症候群の一表現型である場合が多い。われわれが対象年齢を絞らずに行った家族性多結節性甲状腺腫の遺伝学的検査の集計によると,甲状腺機能正常な症例ではDICER1 およびKEAP1,機能低下の既往がある症例はTG およびDUOX2 に病的バリアントを認める症例が多かった。特に,バイアレリック変異が先天性甲状腺機能低下症の原因のひとつとされるTG のモノアレリック・バリアントの頻度が有意に高く,今後その病的意義の検討が必要である。

Germ-line genetic variants associated with familial nontoxic multinodular goiter

Takahiko Kogai*1,Akira Hishinuma*2

*1:Associate Professor, Department of Infection Control and Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Dokkyo Medical University
*2: Professor, Department of Infection Control and Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Dokkyo Medical University

Key Word
multinodular goiter, thyroid dyshormonogenesis, germline genetic variants

Nontoxic multinodular goiter is one of the most common thyroid diseases, whose incidence has been estimated at 1~4%. A number of factors, including shortage or excess intake of dietary iodide, as well as persistently increased endogenous TSH or IGF-1, have been considered to promote the development of goiter, yet its genetic etiology has not been completely clarified. A search of the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database indicated that familial non-toxic goiter so far has included at least two etiologically distinct disorders, autosomal recessive thyroid dyshormonogenesis (TDH) and autosomal dominant multinodular goiter (MNG). In our single gene tests for TDH, pathogenic variants of SLC26A4 have been most frequently detected because of its specific phenotype, inner ear disorder. In contrast, single-gene tests for other TDH-related genes have given true positive rates of only ~30%, likely due to more heterogeneity of phenotypes in those disorders. Genetic tests for MNG related genes have been performed with relatively high positive ratio, ~46%. Our goiter-related gene panel test by next-generation sequencer reproduced consistent results in terms of the frequency of pathogenic variants in those genes.

多結節性甲状腺腫を来すDICER1 症候群

長崎 啓祐


Key words
DICER1,◉ 多結節性甲状腺腫(multinodular goiter),◉ 甲状腺分化癌(differentiated thyroid carcinoma),◉ Hot-spot体細胞変異(Hot-spot somatic mutations),◉ 若年発症(childhood onset)

 DICER1 症候群は,DICER1 の胚細胞系列の変異により,さまざまな悪性・良性腫瘍を発症するリスクがある家族性癌感受性症候群である。常染色体優性遺伝形式を示し,浸透率は不明である。胸膜肺芽腫,卵巣の性索間質性腫瘍,多結節性甲状腺腫(multinodular goiter:MNG)および甲状腺分化癌(differentiated thyroid carcinoma:DTC)などの発症に関与している。臨床像は同一家系内においても多彩である。DICER1 症候群において40歳までに女性の75%,男性の20%でMNGを発症するとされ,その発症メカニズムとして胚細胞変異に加え,体細胞におけるhot-spot変異が明らかになっている。DTCの発症も一般人口と比して16倍高いことが報告されているが,再発や転移などもなく,low-riskが提唱されているため,片側甲状腺摘出または甲状腺全摘出のみが推奨される。MNGからDTC発症への詳細なメカニズムは明らかになっていない。若年発症,家族性のMNGではDICER1 に関連した腫瘍に関しての既往歴や家族歴を確認すべきである。

DICER1 syndrome causing multinodular goiter

Keisuke Nagasaki

Department of Pediatrics, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital

Key words
DICER1, multinodular goiter, differentiated thyroid carcinoma, Hot-spot somatic mutations, childhood onset

Germline mutations in the DICER1 predispose affected individuals to rare childhood tumors(such as pleuropulmonary blastoma, Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor, cystic nephroma and differentiated thyroid carcinoma(DTC)) and multinodular goiter, which is the most frequent manifestation of DICER1 mutation in the thyroid, but not overall. Th is condition, known as DICER1 syndrome, has autosomal dominant inheritance with variable penetrance. The DICER1 protein is a member of the ribonuclease(RNase) III family of proteins that cleaves noncoding small RNA precursors to generate mature micro RNAs, which in turn regulate post-transcription gene expression.
By the age of 40 years, 75% of women and 17% of men with DICER1 syndrome will develop MNG. Hot-spot somatic mutations have been elucidated in addition to germ-line mutation as mechanisms of MNG development. Although the incidence of DTC is reported to be 16 times higher among individuals DICER1 syndrome than that in the general population, there is no recurrence or metastasis. Hence, it is proposed to classify such individuals into a low-risk subgroup. Th e mechanism underlying the development of DTC from MNG is unclear. Early-onset, familial MNG should prompt a careful evaluation of personal and family history focused on DICER1-associated tumors.

Kelch-like ECH associated protein 1(KEAP1 )遺伝子異常症

西原 永潤


Key Word
◉ 家族性多結節性甲状腺腫(familial multinodular goiter),◉ 甲状腺乳頭癌(papillary thyroid carcinoma),◉ 遺伝子変異(gene mutation),◉ 酸化ストレス(oxidant stress),◉ ユビキチン化(ubiquitination)

 近年,新たな家族性多結節性甲状腺腫を来す疾患として,Kelch-like ECH associated protein 1(KEAP1 )遺伝子異常症が2家系同定された。遺伝様式は常染色体優性(顕性)を呈し,病理学的に悪性所見は認められない。KEAP1 は,環境ストレスの変化に応じて,Nuclear factor erythroid2-related factor 2(NRF2)の活性とその標的遺伝子の発現を制御するのが主な役割である。そのNRF2活性化は,多様な癌の増悪因子かつ治療抵抗性にも関係している。甲状腺は,ホルモン合成の際に常に活性酸素に曝される臓器である。そこで,KEAP1 およびその変異が,甲状腺内の酸化ストレスからの保護,病的な結節形成にどのように関与しているのかを紹介する。


Eijun Nishihara

Associate Director, Department of Internal Medicine, Kuma Hospital

Key Word
familial multinodular goiter, papillary thyroid carcinoma, gene mutation, oxidant stress, ubiquitination

Recently, two families with mutations of Kelch-like ECH associated protein 1(KEAP1) gene have been identified as a new disease entity that causes familial multinodular goiter. The inheritance pattern is autosomal dominant and no malignancy is pathologically detected. In response to changes of environmental stress, KEAP1 plays a major role in regulating the activity of nuclear factor erythroid2-related factor 2(NRF2) and subsequently controlling the expression of its target genes. In various cancers, NRF2 activation promotes aggressiveness and resistance against drug and radiation therapy. The thyroid gland is an organ that is constantly exposed to reactive oxygen species during hormone synthesis. Here, I would like to present how KEAP1 and its mutants are involved in protection from oxidative stress or nodular formation in the thyroid gland.
