

『日本甲状腺学会雑誌』2021年10月号(Vol.12 No.2)



甲状腺ホルモン静注製剤 自家調整薬の時代








超低リスク甲状腺乳頭癌のactive surveillanceの現状



笠井 貴久男


Key Words
◉ 粘液水腫性昏睡(myxedema coma),◉ 甲状腺機能低下症(hypothyroidism),◉ 中枢神経症状(central nervous system manifestation),◉ 多臓器障害(multiple organ failure),◉ 診断基準案(proposal of diagnostic criteria)

 2007年,甲状腺学会の臨床重要課題に粘液水腫性昏睡を取り上げていただき,甲状腺学会員に対する調査で収集した粘液水腫性昏睡,重症甲状腺機能低下症と欧文の粘液水腫性昏睡の多数例報告の症例とを,acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ(APACHE Ⅱ)を基本として,各項目について比較検討・解析した。この解析から,2011年に粘液水腫性昏睡の診断基準(3次案)を発表した。 粘液水腫性昏睡は,重度で長期にわたる甲状腺機能低下症によって,あるいはさらに何らかの誘因が加わって惹起された低体温・低換気,循環不全,低ナトリウム血症(低Na血症)などが中等度以上の中枢神経症状をきたす病態であり,まれで死亡率も高い疾患である。救命のためには迅速な診断と適切な治療を必要とする。診断基準(案)の改訂のためには,さらなる全国的な調査が必要である。

Proposal of diagnostic criteria for myxedema coma based on a member survey from the inauguration of one of main clinical subjects in the Japan Thyroid Association

Kikuo Kasai

Deputy Chief of Medical Clinic, Ishibashi General Hospital

Key Words
myxedema coma,hypothyroidism,central nervous system manifestation,multiple organ failure,proposal of diagnostic criteria

[Running head]Proposal of diagnostic criteria for myxedema coma

Myxedema coma is an endocrine emergency which is characterized by multiple organ failure due to longstanding, neglected, untreated hypothyroidism, often associated with various precipitating factors. Because of its rarity and high mortality, diagnostic criteria are needed to do prompt diagnosis and improve survival in such patients. The guideline committee for myxedema coma sponsored by Japan Thyroid Association from 2007, gathered, compared and analyzed clinical data from patients with myxedema coma and severe hypothyroid patients based on a member survey, and from relatively large number of patients with myxedema coma in literatures, and proposed new diagnostic criteria for myxedema coma in 2010. In the criteria, prerequisites for diagnosis are hypothyroidism (primary or secondary) and central nervous system manifestation (more than moderate levels). Furthermore, hypothermia, hypoventilation, hypotension, bradycardia and hyponatremia are important signs or symptoms for diagnosis. Nation-wide survey for myxedema coma is needed to establish the guideline for diagnosis and management of myxedema coma in Japan.

甲状腺ホルモン静注製剤 自家調整薬の時代

越智 可奈子*1,大塚 文男*2


Key Words
◉ 重症甲状腺機能低下症(severe hypothyroidism),◉レボチロキシンナトリウム(levothyroxine sodium),
◉ 吸収不良症候群(malabsorption syndrome),◉ 橋本病(Hashimoto’s disease)


The period of in-house preparation of levothyroxine sodium

Kanako Ochi*1, Fumio Otsuka*2

*1:Assistant Professor, Center for Education in Medicine and Health Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
*2:Professor, Department of General Medicine, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Key Words
severe hypothyroidism, borderline tumor, levothyroxine sodium, malabsorption syndrome, Hashimoto’s disease

[Running head]Levothyroxine i.v. solution

It has been almost one year since Levothyroxine sodium intravenous solution was launched on the market. In 2010, we experienced a case of severe malabsorption syndrome with chronic thyroiditis in which the hypothyroidism was poorly controlled with oral and suppository levothyroxine sodium (LT4) alone, and severe heart failure occurred as the hypothyroidism progressed. After 10 years of treatment with the intravenous LT4, the patient was switched to Levothyroxine sodium intravenous solution. Despite the rarity of such patients with severe hypothyroidism, the market launch of Levothyroxine sodium as an intravenous solution is very helpful not only for the treatment of myxoedematous coma but also for the patients who are refractory to oral LT4 and respond to intravenous treatment, as shown in the present review.


大野 洋介*1,佐野 あずさ*1,大野 幸子*2,田中 祐司*1


Key Words
◉ 粘液水腫性昏睡(myxedema coma),◉甲状腺機能低下症(hypothyroidism),◉ DPCデータベース(Diagnosis Procedure Combination database),◉ 診断(diagnosis),◉ 治療(treatment)

 粘液水腫性昏睡は,重度の甲状腺機能低下症を基盤に発症し,死亡率の高い内分泌緊急症である。本稿では,粘液水腫性昏睡の診断基準と治療指針の現況を紹介し,Diagnosis Procedure Combination(DPC)データベースを用いた解析結果の概要を解説する。
 2010年7月~2013年3月の期間にDPC病院へ入退院した約1,894万人の患者から,149人の粘液水腫性昏睡患者を同定し,男女比1:2,平均年齢77歳,在院死亡率は29.5%であった。また,発症頻度は1.08/100万人/ 年と推定された。治療実態は,約80%の患者がL-サイロキシン(L-thyroxine;LT4)の単独投与であり,LT4とL-トリヨードサイロニン(L-triiodothyronine;LT3)を併用した患者は,LT4単独投与の患者よりも相対的に低い死亡率を示した(18.2%,2例/11例 vs. 30.0%,36例/120例)ものの,統計学的に有意でなかった。本邦では,最近まで国際標準の甲状腺ホルモン静注製剤が未販売という治療上の問題があったが,2020年6月にようやく待望のLT4静注製剤が販売開始となり,粘液水腫性昏睡の患者に対する迅速な投与が可能となった。本剤の安全で効果的な使用法に関するデータの集積が望まれる。本症の診断基準と治療指針の確立,ひいては救命率の向上を目指し,今後も本学会の臨床重要課題に取り組んでいきたい。

Myxedema coma:current guideline for the diagnosis and treatment, and analysis using Diagnosis Procedure Combination database

Yosuke Ono*1, Azusa Sano*1, Sachiko Ono*2, Yuji Tanaka*1

*1:Department of General Medicine, National Defense Medical College
*2:Department of Eat-loss Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo

Key Words
myxedema coma, hypothyroidism, Diagnosis Procedure Combination database, diagnosis, treatment

[Running head]Diagnosis and treatment for myxedema coma

Myxedema coma is a lethal endocrine emergency caused by severe hypothyroidism. In this paper, we present the current diagnostic criteria and treatment guidelines for myxedema coma, and outline the results of an analysis using the Diagnosis Procedure Combination (DPC) database. Of approximately 18.94 million patients admitted to and discharged from DPC hospitals between July 2010 and March 2013, 149 patients with myxedema coma were identified. The male to female ratio was 1:2. The mean age was 77 years, and the mortality rate was 29.5%. The incidence of myxedema coma was estimated to be 1.08 per million people per year. In terms of treatment, approximately 80% of the patients received L-thyroxine (LT4) alone. The patients who received LT4 combined with L-triiodothyronine (LT3) had a relatively lower mortality rate than those who received LT4 alone (18.2%, 2 of 11 patients vs. 30.0%, 36 of 120 patients), but it was not statistically significant. In Japan, until recently, the international standard intravenous thyroid hormone formulation for patients with myxedema coma was not commercially available. However, in June 2020, intravenous levothyroxine (LT4) formulation finally has been available in Japan, enabling prompt administration to patients with myxedema coma. We hope that data on the safe and effective use of this drug will be accumulated. We will continue to work on the clinically important issues
of the Japan Thyroid Association in order to establish diagnostic criteria and treatment guidelines for myxedema coma, and thereby improve the survival rate.


佐野 あずさ,大野 洋介,田中 祐司


Key Words
◉ 粘液水腫性昏睡(myxedema coma),◉ 甲状腺機能低下症(hypothyroidism),◉ 甲状腺ホルモン(thyroid hormone),◉ レボチロキシン(levothyroxine),◉ 診断基準(diagnostic criteria)


Reconsideration of the original diagnostic criteria for myxedema coma based on case reports accumulation

Azusa Sano, Yosuke Ono, Yuji Tanaka

Department of General Medicine, National Defense Medical College

Key Words
myxedema coma, hypothyroidism,thyroid hormone, levothyroxine,diagnostic criteria

[Running head]Analytical study by accumulating case reports of myxedema coma

Myxedema coma(MC) is an endocrine emergency caused by long-standing and severe hypothyroidism. In Japan, the original diagnostic criteria and treatment guideline for MC were proposed by the Japan Thyroid Association. In 2017, epidemiological features of MC were revealed from a study using the national Diagnosis Procedure Combination database. In the present study, we collected case reports and investigated their clinical characteristics and outcomes. From a literature search of PubMed database and Ichushi-Web, we identified 123 patients with MC that met the definite and suspected cases of the diagnostic criteria. The average age was 68 years, the male-female ratio was 1:2, and the mortality rate was 16.5%. Although there was no significant difference between the surviving patients and the dead patients, the dead patients tended to have a lower pulse rate. Twenty-four percent of suspected patients died. The mortality rate in suspected patients was higher than definite or overall patients. In addition, suspected patients accounted for 30% of the dead patients. Fourty-four patients had infection, and the mortality rate of these patients was 25%. We recognized that infection control is important in the treatment of MC. In terms of thyroid hormone replacement therapy, approximately 70% of patients were treated with LT4 alone. In some patients, it was probable that not severe hypothyroidism but medications and infectious diseases mainly caused disturbance of consciousness, even though the patients met the diagnostic criteria for MC. Therefore, this diagnostic criteria is needed to improve in order to avoid misdiagnosis.


[特集2] 福島県民健康調査における甲状腺検査からの現状

小児甲状腺癌の病理学的特徴 ‒成人甲状腺癌との比較‒

廣川 満良*1,樋口 観世子*2,宮内 昭*3


Key Words
◉ 小児甲状腺癌(pediatric thyroid cancer),◉ 若年者甲状腺癌(juvenile thyroid cancer),◉ 充実型乳頭癌(solid variant of papillary carcinoma),◉ ◉篩型乳頭癌(cribriform variant of papillary carcinoma),◉ びまん性硬化型乳頭癌(diffuse sclerosing variant of papillary carcinoma)


Histopathological features of pediatric thyroid cancer
–comparison with adult thyroid cancer–

Mitsuyoshi Hirokawa*1, Miyoko Higuchi*2, Akira Miyauchi*3

*1:Director, Department of Diagnostic Pathology and Cytology, Kuma Hospital, Kobe, Japan
*2:Chief, Department of Diagnostic Pathology and Cytology, Kuma Hospital, Kobe, Japan
*3:President and COO, Kuma Hospital, Kobe, Japan

Key Words
pediatric thyroid cancer, juvenile thyroid cancer, solid variant of papillary carcinoma, cribriform variant of papillary carcinoma, diffuse sclerosing variant of papillary carcinoma

[Running head](Pathology of)pediatric thyroid cancer

Thyroid cancers that are more common in children include solid variant, diffuse sclerosing variant, and cribriform variant of papillary carcinoma, but they are not unique to children because they also occur in adults. Although the frequencies of regional lymph node metastasis and distant metastasis are higher in children than in adults, the recurrence rates in the long term between the two groups are not significantly different. The disease specific mortality rate in children is reported to be lower than that in adults. It is also noteworthy that tall cell variant of papillary carcinoma, which is considered a high-risk variant in adults, does not have a poor prognosis in children.


志村 浩己


Key Words
◉ 甲状腺検査(thyroid ultrasound examination),◉ 小児甲状腺癌(pediatric thyroid cancer),◉ 放射線被ばく(radiation exposure),◉ 超音波検査(ultrasound examination),◉ 福島第一原子力発電所事故(Fukushima Diichi Nuclear Power Plant accident)


Evaluations and current issues for Thyroid Ultrasound Examination program in Fukushima Health Management Survey

Hiroki Shimura

Director, Department of the Thyroid Ultrasound Examination, Radiation Medical Science Center for the Fukushima Health Management Survey, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan
Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan

Key Words
thyroid ultrasound examination, pediatric thyroid cancer, radiation exposure, ultrasound examination, Fukushima Diichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

[Running head]Evaluations and current issues for TUE program in Fukushima

The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake scattered radioactive materials in Fukushima Prefecture and raised concerns about health hazards such as thyroid cancer in children, which occurred after the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Thyroid Ultrasound Examination (TUE) program, one of the detailed surveys of Fukushima Health Management Survey, was started about half a year after the accident. The Preliminary Baseline Survey which is the first-round survey, was conducted during the period considered to be the latent period for the development of thyroid cancer due to radiation exposure. The results of the first and second rounds of examinations have been evaluated that development of thyroid cancers in these rounds were not considered to be the effects of radiation. However, thyroid cancer is known to be at risk of overdiagnosis. Therefore, cautious diagnosis is made according to the guidelines of relevant Japanese academic societies according to the risk of thyroid cancer considering overdiagnosis. Other current issues in TUE include providing accessible examination opportunities for generations who have graduated from school, the enhancement of support for examinees TUE, and further scientific analyses and publications. These are our missions, but we would like to ask the members of the Japanese Thyroid Association for their support as in the past.


鈴木 眞一


Key Words
◉ 原発事故(nuclear accident),◉ 小児甲状腺癌(pediatric thyroid cancer),◉ 過剰診断/ 治療(overdiagnosis/treatment,◉ 放射線被ばく(radiation exposure),◉ 甲状腺超音波検査(thyroid ultrasound examination;TUE)

  2011年東日本大震災時に引き続いて発生した東京電力福島第一原子力発電所の事故後,福島県県民健康調査,甲状腺検査が開始された。現在まで218例の甲状腺癌がすでに手術施行された。手術適応はできる限り片葉切除が推奨された。当科で実施した甲状腺癌症例では術後甲状腺被膜外浸潤39.1%,リンパ節転移陽性77.6%と高率であった。10mm以下の微小癌症例はすべて浸潤型であった。全摘は8.8%,葉切除が91.2%であった。遺伝子異常はBRAF 変異が69.6%と高率であった。病理組織型は,乳頭癌とくに古典型が大半を占めた。さらに甲状腺癌発症年齢分布ではチェルノブイリでの潜伏期間と同じパターンを示し,この傾向は現在まで変わらない。4年前後での比較でも,浸潤,転移などの悪性度に関しても差はなかった。また,福島県の甲状腺癌は日本の他地域で臨床癌として治療されたものと病理組織学的特徴に差がなかった。これまでの結果から,福島県で発見された甲状腺癌は放射線の影響によるものとは考えにくい。一方では,過剰診断治療の可能性はきわめて低く,種々の基準により通常の臨床癌のみが治療されていた。

Practice of surgical treatment for pediatric thyroid cancer in Fukushima Prefecture

Shinichi Suzuki

Professor, Department of Thyroid Endocrinology, Fukushima Medical University

Key Words
nuclear accident, pediatric thyroid cancer, overdiagnosis/treatment, radiation exposure, thyroid ultrasound examination(TUE)

[Running head]Surgery for pediatric thyroid cancer

After the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company, which occurred after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the thyroid ultrasound examination of Fukushima Health Management Survey were started. To date, 218 cases of thyroid cancer have already undergone surgery. For surgical indication, lobectomy was recommended as much as possible by Japanese thyroid experts. In the cases of thyroid cancer performed in our department, the postoperative extracapsular infiltration was 39.1% and the lymph node metastasis was positive 77.6%, which were high rates. All micro-cancer cases of 10 mm or less were infiltrative. Total resection was 8.8% and lobectomy was 91.2%. BRAF mutations had a high rate of 69.6% for genetic abnormalities. Most of the histopathological types were papillary cancers, and most of them were classic types. Furthermore, the age distribution of thyroid cancer onset shows the same pattern as the incubation period in Chernobyl, and this tendency has not changed to date. There was no difference in the malignancy such as infiltration and metastasis in the comparison around 4 years. In addition, thyroid cancer in Fukushima had no difference in histopathological characteristics from those treated as clinical cancer in other parts of Japan. From the results so far, it is unlikely that the thyroid cancer found in Fukushima is due to the effects of radiation. On the one hand, the possibility of overdiagnosis treatment was extremely low, and only conventional clinical cancers were treated according to various criteria.


杉谷 巌


Key Words
◉ 甲状腺微小乳頭癌(papillary thyroid microcarcinoma),◉ 過剰診断・過剰治療(overdiagnosis and overtreatment),◉ 積極的経過観察(active surveillance),◉ 日本甲状腺学会ポジション・ペーパー(position paper from the Japan Thyroid Association),◉ 日本内分泌外科学会コンセンサス・ステートメント(consensus statements from the Japan Association of Endocrine Surgery)


Activities by the Japan Thyroid Association and the Japan Association of Endocrine Surgery regarding the management of adult patients with papillary thyroid microcarcinoma

Iwao Sugitani

Professor, Nippon Medical School Graduate school of Medicine, Department of Endocrine Surgery

Key Words
papillary thyroid microcarcinoma, overdiagnosis and overtreatment, active surveillance, position paper from the Japan Thyroid Association, consensus statements from the Japan Association of Endocrine Surgery

[Running head]Activities by JTA and JAES regarding the management of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma

Overdiagnosis and overtreatment of thyroid cancer is an emerging issue worldwide. In Japan, where ultrasonography has been introduced for the diagnosis of thyroid nodule since 1960s, thyroidologists were aware of the risk of overdiagnosis and overtreatment earlier and have taken countermeasures to prevent them, such as 1)creating consensus that mass-screening to find small thyroid cancer has no merit, 2)providing the lower limit in size to perform fine needle aspiration for incidentally detected thyroid nodule, and 3)conducting clinical trials of active surveillance for low-risk papillary microcarcinoma. According to the favorable outcomes, active surveillance for adult low-risk papillary microcarcinoma was acknowledged as an alternative to immediate surgery on the Japanese guidelines for management of thyroid tumors in 2010 for the first time in the world and the policy has been gradually accepted globally. Recently, the Japan Thyroid Association and the Japan Association of Endocrine Surgery published the position paper and the consensus statements, respectively regarding the basis of overdiagnosis and overtreatment, the validity, indication and strategy of active surveillance. They aimed to deepen the understanding of this management for adult patients with low-risk papillary microcarcinoma among the medical care providers and the general public. Importantly, evidence for the safety of active surveillance in patients younger than 20 years is still lacking.

超低リスク甲状腺乳頭癌のactive surveillanceの現状
(簡潔表題:甲状腺乳頭癌のactive surveillance)

堀口 和彦


Key Words
◉ 積極的経過観察(active surveillance),◉ 超低リスク甲状腺乳頭癌(very low-risk papillary thyroid carcinoma,◉ 穿刺吸引細胞診(fine needle aspiration cytology)


Current status of active surveillance for very low-risk papillary thyroid carcinoma

Kazuhiko Horiguchi

Associate professor, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism

Key Words
active surveillance, very low-risk papillary thyroid carcinoma, fine needle aspiration cytology

[Running head]Active surveillance for papillary thyroid carcinoma

A task force on the management of PTMC in adults organized by the Japan Thyroid Association has published a position paper on how to handle papillary thyroid microcarcinomas (PTMC), including active surveillance of low-risk PTMC in adults, to solve the problem of overdiagnosis in thyroid carcinoma. The task force conducted a systematic review on issues of clinical importance in the areas of epidemiology, surgical outcomes, diagnosis, and active surveillance. In epidemiology, the increase in the detection of PTMC coincided with the increase in the frequency of examination opportunities. favorable surgical outcomes for low-risk PTMC, recommended criteria for diagnosis using fine needle aspiration cytology, and evaluation of lymph node metastasis (LNM), extrathyroidal extension (ETE) and distant metastasis were included in the position paper. Active surveillance is a safe and valid strategy for PTMC because of a low incidence of disease progression and no subsequent recurrence or adverse events on survival, although immediate surgery is needed for PTMC showing high-risk features, such as clinical LNM, ETE or distant metastasis. Active surveillance should also be performed under an appropriate medical team.
